Welcome to Koimisis Tis Theotokou Greek Orthodox Community of Kingston
Under the Juristiction of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto (Canada)
The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople

Our address:
121 Johnson St,
Kingston, ON
K7L 1X9
Contact us:
and for emergencies,
contact Tim Mardicis at 613-532-6440

see announcement archives
May 27, 2019
Introducing our new Priest!
Sending out a big welcome to our new Priest, Father Nikodimos George Kodogeorgakis, with open hearts. Thank you for forgiving us, our errors, in your name. Father Nikodimos was born and raised in Montreal. We are blessed to have you!
Feb 05, 2019
Congratulations to the New Community Council!
Congratulations to the New Community Council, Greek Orthodox Church Kingston Ontario.
Chris Hadziasmanis, Fay Gkotsis Marina Oikonomou, Marie Christodoulou Wright Roula Dafnas, Maria Menikefs Paula Antonakos and Dimitri Senis.
Aug 22, 2018
Fr Matthew and Presvytera Catherine Penney Goodbye Lunch
On August 19th, we said farewell to Fr Matthew Penney and Presvytera Catherine with a big lunch hosted by both the community council and Philoptohos. We also had former Priest Fr. Chrysostomos Achilleos and his family visiting! It was a lovely event, attended by many, with heartwarming speeches. Father Matthew and Presvytera Catherine will be missed, and their contributions to our community will be felt for years to come. We wish them well in their future endeavors.
Aug 18, 2018
See our new KGHP website!
We are excited to announce the Greek History Project's new website! The site will hold all interviews, photos, and documents provided to the project. Visit the site to see our archives, and contact us if you still want to take part in the project! (Contact Angeline Boswell, the research assistant, at angelineboswell@gmail.com)
Jun 18, 2018
Our Open Doors Kingston Event Was a Big Success!
Yesterday, during Open Doors Kingston, city residents had the opportunity to visit a number of amazing places featured in Kingston. Here is a photo of Mayor Paterson visiting the Greek Church and tasting pastries made by the Ladies of Philoptochos. Fr. Matthew Penney and Presvytera Catherine Penney led Koimisis Tis Theotokos Greek Orthodox Church tours and discussions. even accomplished women, all members of our community, spoke on a variety of topics. Thanks to all of the inspiring speakers! Kudos to Paula Antonakos for organizing the event.
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